Drets, deures i queixes
Proposta 21 per a la nova llei del taxi
S’ha de posar en marxa un sistema digitalitzat que permeti als usuaris realitzar queixes de manera àgil quan sigui necessari.
El conductor també podrà reportar els incompliments dels deures de l’usuari de forma àgil a través de l’operador digitalitzat, que per la seva part té el deure de pagar el preu establert i tenir un comportament correcte. Growing marijuana is a challenging task as it requires a lot of patience and dedication. Growing weed outside is tricky as it requires a lot of efforts to maintain the temperature and humidity levels. We understand how difficult it can be to grow marijuana seeds in your backyard, but with the help of our website, you will have everything you need to take on this task with ease. We will provide you with all the information you need to grow cannabis successfully from start to finish!